New Mexico State and Federally Protected Species

The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish classifies protected species as either Threatened or Endangered. The list may be found in the New Mexico Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 6 - – Threatened and Endangered Species of New Mexico.

All other New Mexico amphibian and reptile species are classified as Unprotected.  Information on the lawful take and annual bag limits of New Mexico reptiles and amphibians can be found here:  New Mexico Amphibian and Reptile Information.

It is illegal to capture, possess or transport Threatened or Endangered species without the possession of a valid state issued New Mexico Scientific Collecting Permit.

New Mexico residents do not require a license to capture, possess or transport Unprotected species as long as the total number of each species in possession is less that the annual bag limit.

Non-residents must purchase and have in their possession a valid non-resident hunting license for the year the taking is done.

A Commercial Collecting Permit is required if amphibians or reptiles are collected for the purpose of sale, barter or profit or if a person is in possession of the annual bag limit or in possession of more than 50 of those species with “unlimited take” bag limits. This law applies to residents and non-residents.

Commercial collecting also requires the filing of an annual report on a standardized form approved by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.

This information is not legal advice and may not be currently accurate as state fish and game laws can change at any time. It is the responsibility of the individual to understand and follow the laws of each state, which includes the procurement of the proper permits required in each state to conduct any and all field herping activities.

Below is a current list of the New Mexico Threatened or Endangered species.

  • Amphibians
    • Aneides hardii  (Sacramento Mountain Salamander) – Threatened
    • Plethodon neomexicanus  (Jemez Mountains Salamander) – Endangered
    • Anaxyrus boreas  (Boreal Toad) – Endangered
    • Gastrophryne olivacea  (Great Plains Narrow-mouthed Toad) – Endangered
    • Lithobates yavapaiensis  (Lowland Leopard Frog) – Endangered
    • Ollotis alvaria  (Sonoran Desert Toad) – Threatened
  • Lizards
    • Aspidoscelis burti  (Canyon Spotted Whiptail) – Threatened
    • Aspidoscelis dixoni  (Gray-checkered Whiptail) – Endangered
    • Heloderma suspectum  (Gila Monster) – Endangered
    • Plestiodon callicephalus  (Mountain Skink) – Threatened
    • Sceloporus arenicolus  (Sand dune Lizard) – Endangered
    • Sceloporus slevini  (Slevin’s Bunch Grass Lizard) – Threatened
  • Snakes
    • Crotalus Lepidus lepidus  (Mottled Rock Rattlesnake) – Threatened
    • Crotalus willardi obscurus  (New Mexico Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake) – Endangered
    • Lampropeltis altrna  (Gray-banded Kingsnake) – Endangered
    • Nerodia erythrogaster  (Plain-bellied Water Snake) – Endangered
    • Senticolis triaspis  (Green Ratsnake) – Threatened
    • Thamnophis eques  (Mexican Gartersnake) – Endangered
    • Thamnophis proximus  (Western Ribbonsnake) – Threatened
    • Thamnophis rufipunctatus  (Narrow-headed Gartersnake) – Threatened
  • Turtles
    • Pseudemys gorzugi  (Western River Cooter) – Threatened