Hans F. Koenig Award for Excellence in Herpetological Photography

During January of each year, the SWCHR calls for entries for the Hans F. Koenig Award for Excellence in Herpetological Photography competition. This competition is open only to SWCHR Members. Non-members may enter the competition upon receipt of their membership application and dues. Each year’s winning photographic image will be displayed here on the SWCHR website, and will grace the cover of the next four quarterly editions of the SWCHR Bulletin for the yearThe distinguished photographer also receives a cash award of $100 along with a certificate commemorating his or her achievement.

All of the photographic images that have been recognized by this award since its inception are displayed below.

If you would like to read more about the late Hans F. Koenig, who this awards program memorializes, you can click on this link to The Life and Times of Hans F. Koenig‘, or read the original publication of the article located in the SWCHR Bulletin – Vol 3. Issue 1 (Spring 2013).


Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox
Hidalgo County, NM
Photo by Spencer Mode

Gallery of Past Winning Photos